“I don’t love him anymore, I use to but things have changed and I just don’t anymore” Yes I’ve said this and I’ve thought this. Romantic love is wonderful. It’s a sweet feeling that you get when you think of your man. Over time…yes it can fade. Pressures of life, family, money, work, home can all crowd out the romantic feelings and take a toll on a marriage. Hurts and disappointments can lead you to want to cash in the chips. I know I’ve been there. But, can I challenge you today, before you give in to all of this, STRIP YOURSELF!! Truth is, love is a choice. It’s an action and if you don’t feel love anymore maybe you need to do something loving. In my life I’ve found three things that hinder my love for my man. Selfishness, bitterness, and fear. We will uncover each of these in more detail later but for today lets uncover the true meaning of love.
When I think of the word love it is used so flippantly today… I love pizza, I love the Hawkeyes, OOO I love those shoes!!! Instead God has a different meaning of love. In 1 Corinthians 13 the apostle Paul is tells us about love. He starts out by telling us that we can have all sorts of gifts: speech, prophecy, faith, knowledge but if no love we are NOTHING ( usually sit up when I hear I am nothing). The best is he tells us what love is; it is patient, kind, rejoices in truth, it protects, trusts, hopes, endures. He also tells us what it is not; self seeking, rude, boastful, record keeper of wrong, and it never fails. So then if this is what love is how do I apply this to my marriage?
Choose to look at things through God’s lens. Don’t allow the way you feel dictate truth instead allow truth to dictate what you feel!! When temptation arises to say, “I don’t love him anymore” change it (this takes practice and prayer) say, ” I don’t feel love right now but I choose to act and respond in a loving way” Go directly against your feelings and apply the power of God to your life. Choose to be patient and kind. Choose to not keep track of his wrong doings and boast of your rights. Changing your thinking and actions will change your heart. I’m not saying it will happen over night, but you can be assured that as you STRIP YOURSELF of what you thought love was and apply what love is, it will change your life. Because LOVE NEVER FAILS!!